
By loisbiz

Not Just a Box

Ellie stayed over last night and stayed for most of today because she was out of school. The teachers had a workday without students. We played school, and read books, and she found more than one art project.

An Amazon shipment came in this big box. It was just a box until Ellie saw it and knew it could be much more. That big box is now a spaceship with all kinds of glued-on gages and controls. Color crayons made it colorful with more controls and technology. Scissors made the steering wheel and escape hatch.

We bathed Bear, and Ellie got him to come in through the spaceship's "escape hatch" so she could comb and brush him. The opening was blocked so he couldn't escape but he seemed contented to be groomed by Ellie for a reasonable amount of time.  Now she is home safe in her own bed.

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