And Life Plays On

I asked myself, "what was Rob thinking while he sat atop that mountain", at his memorial today. He would climb through the night hours, they said, so that he could be at the top of the mountain at sunrise, just so that he could be there for the most spectacular moments of the day. Such great inspiration he must have had, just because he pursued the moments in life that most of us have never even thought of pursuing.

Rob Clingan, these are your people, and we miss you so much already. Your great talent, your inspiration, your tenacity, and the way you made everyone around believe in themselves, and try harder, have changed the way we see the world.

To the Giver of all life. You have crafted well, these humans with whom I share this life. You have poured great talent & insight into them. Today, You gave me a deeper love for them, a greater appreciation for who they are, and a stirring in my heart to anticipate all the delightful things they will think up and act upon just to bring a smile to others.

Let your blessings and wisdom pour into them, splash around them and teach them to dance in the abundance of it. Thank You for giving us Rob's life as an example of something so rare and so rich in insight, yet so approachable.

I trust you with these bits and pieces of life that You are, even now, weaving together into the most exquisite master piece. I trust the results will be spectacular.

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