This is the day

By wrencottage


This is me giving Smithers a big hug, just after we’d got back from the GP surgery. I’d had so many weird readings from our new blood pressure machine with the unexpectedly very large cuff that I rang the surgery for advice after I had an especially high reading this afternoon. We had a call back from one of the GPs within an hour, and he asked if we could come up in half an hour’s time. How good is that? 

He took Smithers’ blood pressure with a proper, old-fashioned sphygmomanometer, three times in a row, and pronounced that the readings were slightly up but nothing like the high numbers I’d been getting. We now have another machine with a smaller cuff coming tomorrow and I feel so relieved. Back to taking readings twice a day for a week, and we’ll go from there. Meanwhile, we have a prescription winging its way to our pharmacy so we won’t run out, which we had been in danger of doing while I was faffing with the erratic readings.

Thank you so much to everyone for your stars, hearts and lovely comments for my 1,000th blip yesterday, they made my day.

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