The day !

Strictly a back blip! It is now the morning of the night before, the above is a montage of the day up to the start of the big party.
The farrier arrive nearly on time and I took ( as usual ) lots of shots, of smoke and steel. Then on to the Bishop Wilton Show, as well taking random shots taken, several photographic and farming friends met and chatted with.
Then to the party! a fantastic spiral time warp back to the late 1960's friends and their family members who have no met up in last 1 to 30 years, all getting on like they had only missed a week without seeing one another! The beer flowed the stories relived and time slipped by oh to fast. There will be pictures but none by me I slightly concuss of attending "not as a photographer" and left the camera at home, everybody else by contrast was armed with an array of phones, point and press and a few DSLR's :¬(
I shall surf your journals slowly this morning (Sunday ) and catch up have a good weekend one and all ;¬}

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