Travels with my bunny(ies)
Last night ended ridiculously late, just chatting with TallGirl and helping her sort some very exciting ant photos, and this morning started way too early.
Somehow everything was done, including a trip to town to get my inhaler, before the taxi came at 9. In to Matabiau station, and on to the bunnies’ first train! So, TGV to Paris (crawls to Bordeaux, then zips to Paris), taxi across Paris, and train to Calais. They seemed to cope well with the trains, which are quiet and smoother than in the UK, but did not like all the noise and smells in Paris.
MrB collected us in Calais (in the first rain we saw all day - having left glorious sunshine at home), and on to the tunnel. They scanned the car, which we hadn’t had before, and necessitated getting out with the bunnies.
Now settled in a pet friendly B&B in Folkestone trying to stay awake long enough to eat. That TallGirl is a bad influence!
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