
By Poppy

Pick a pepper

Back home. It's always hectic, with the van to unpack, washing to do, post to sort through etc. but the sun was shining so it wasn't too arduous. Even managed to get one load of washing line dried and ironed! 

The garden is looking a bit wild and woolly, but thanks to Angela's watering help, the peppers are still hanging on! Goodness only knows when, or if, they are going to turn red. They all did eventually last year, but it looks a while. They onions are drying nicely too. I found a couple of courgettes and a couple of cucumbers but the remaining peas have been stripped off the plants and nibbles by some rodent or other. Piles of them between the rows. Hey ho!  

Picked the very last of the sweet peas and put them on the kitchen table. That's us well and truly settled back in now!

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