Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Gulls and geese and chocolate cake ...

Tell me: did you read that and find yourself singing a tune that fitted the rhythm? Answer* at the foot of the page ...

Silly, the things I write at the end of a long day. But I have to say I actually feel much livelier now than I did 11 hours ago - when I got up I thought I was coming down with some flu or similar, and it wasn't until I'd had another piece of that intensely chocolate cake and a strong coffee that the symptoms receded and I realised that I'd been suffering from a sudden caffeine drop after the excesses of yesterday - and perhaps a wee touch of too much bubbly? Anyway, I felt much better after the coffee ...

...and headed out for an undemanding walk at Ardyne. The earlier morning, when I'd taken the washing out to hang up, had been sunny and actually warm in my sheltered garden, but by the time we got out there was more cloud and that big lump had worked its way southwards along with us, leaving the only blue sky to be seen to the south over the Arran hills. In the middle ground there are hundreds of seabirds apparently cleaning their plumage in the fresh water of the Ardyne Burn where it enters the sea, while at the same time a big flock of Canada Geese were pottering around in a field behind us. We'd already walked up the hill and back when I took this, so we actually had a bit of exercise.

We had a Tuesday-time dinner at 3.30pm (pasta, vegetables, truffle pesto, prawns, garlic) and had the obligatory rest before choir. That's how I came to see the current war in the Middle East developing, and my heart sank. However, choir took my mind off everything else as we sang a new piece as well as a piece I feel I've been singing for ever. 

Then we came home and watched more news as we wolfed down the last of the fruit loaf, along with some magical slightly chewy honey. It didn't feel as if there was any other news in the world. War does that - it engulfs.

* I've looked at life from both sides now...

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