Wide Wednesday: Historical
Apart from taking my car in for it's service and MOT I've not been anywhere today to get a 'historical' shot for the Wide Wednesday theme. However, I thought this might do; it's part of my collection of Giles annuals of which at the last count, I think I had 42. The earliest is from 1948 and some of the older ones aren't in great condition, with a few missing their covers, but whilst Giles was not a political cartoonist he did draw cartoons which reflected the issues of the time so do create a bit of a historical record. Looking back on some of the older ones is fascinating!
The collection started when my mother bought a copy for my father each Christmas and after I was born it became a tradition for me to buy it for him instead. After he died they all came to me and I added to them each year, even buying some of the later compilations that were published after Giles himself died. I believe they still issue an annual collection of them even now, although I haven't bought one for a while. It would be nice to fill a few of the historical gaps though.
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