Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Round Table

Not very original, I know.  I had meant to do something different for today's Widwed, but in the end this rather off-the-cuff shot worked best of those I brought home, so here you are.  And as today's host, steveng set the subject as 'Historical/Part of Story' this really fits - part of the legend of King Arthur, but actually made for Henry VIII - and now hung on the wall of the medieval Great Hall in Winchester.

Thanks for hosting this month, Steven.

Today has again been grey and damp, except for a very short while when I was in the Great Hall.  I gather they have a squirrel problem there at the moment.  I saw the little guy just out the back, but he's been coming into the Hall and causing mayhem.  Perhaps now I have my season ticket I will take the long lens back in there one day and try to blip him.

I have also looked for boots in town, but didn't find any - only the sort that are meant to be waterproof but a few months later are not.  Never mind, one of you gave me a good suggestion yesterdeay which I shall probably take up ;))

Now to look at your journals ;))  Have a great evening, all  xx

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