
By Ridgeback13


It was nice to wake this morning to find I’d won on the Premium Bonds this month…welcome after nothing last month!
Had a long chat with DH to prepare for a meeting in a couple of weeks, then a quick chat with someone setting up a seminar in December and was quite pleased with how I managed not to be talked into doing more than I wanted to at it.
Wrote my shopping list for Sunday lunch and for the cake I want to make to take to see CMcL tomorrow, at home recovering from an op.
When I got back from the supermarket the weather had really brightened up after a slightly dull morning. I decided to go for a walk into the park to make the most of the good weather. It was not only lovely and sunny but also really quite warm…I didn’t have a jacket on and even took off my jumper at one point, This walk always reminds me of lockdown days when I tried to walk here every day…
Once home again I had a bit of down time (which set me thinking about the patterns of my days) and a cup of tea, before making both the cake and an Eve’s pudding (extra. Having seen Sally Mair’s the other day I’ve been thinking about it and couldn’t resist! I used apples from the tree in the back garden that is due to be felled, so it’s a sort of memorial pudding!)
Should have written an overdue document today but I didn’t get to it…never mind.
Chatted to Mt&H as they cooked supper and talked about Christmas visit dates, then sympathised with AR who’s been off school sick today…poor wee soul looked very peaky. Mx was writing and drawing stories about what might be wrong with her
Tomorrow will be busier so I’ll have an early night tonight.

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