
By OldTimer

Tornado Imminent

Rainy all day and night and no sign of a let up,   This morning helped  prepare for a kids clothing sale cum giveaway . In an effort to help those less fortunate get clothing for their children for a dollar a garment. All donated. Last time we did it we offered it for free and no one came but when we put a dollar on it plenty came. I guess people like to be independent.
 I wont be here to help on Saturday as am heading north in the morning . Will stay at my sons and attend a friends 90th birthday on Saturday in Christchurch. Sadly she has dementia 
Mightn't get much blipping done over the next few days but will try. Visiting another friend in Ashburton on the way up who is in total care with Alzheimer's
Gee I feel lucky to be up walking around and knowing who I am

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