On Some Days

By V1k1

The Waiting . . . Tom Petty

Today we drove south to Christchurch and after rain and mist the sun came out but there was road closure at Springs Junction.  We and maybe fifty cars and trucks waited patiently for the road to open at one o'clock.  Two girls were playing tennis.  It is the school holidays so there were families with children travelling. The little petrol station must have done a good trade in drinks, lollies and pies.  We had a picnic lunch so that passed the time.  We probably waited for forty five minutes.  Most of the traffic had pulled off the road so the cue doesn't look impressive.  On the other side of the Lewis Pass we saw a truck half way off the road and it had hit a power pole.  The linesmen were installing a new pole.  The rest of the journey was uneventful.    

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