
By hazelh

A missing pane

I'm not sure if these small pieces of glazing count as panes of glass, but one's missing at the bottom right of this decorative window in an almost hidden corner of my gym. This roundel (if that's the right term?) gives a very clear view of the wall outside.

I took advantage of a lovely autumn day in Edinburgh to tidy our yarden this afternoon. This mainly comprised leaf sweeping, then carrying the litter through the house to the compost bin in our back garden. I added to my harvest of leaves a donation from a neighbour a few doors down; she was going to put her leaves in a communal rubbish bin. I also swept the pavement next to our flat. I think that this will please my immediate neighbours.

Jackie came over this evening to keep Mummy hazelh company while Mr hazelh and I had a night out. We had a very jolly time together, first over drinks at the Devil's advocate bar in Advocate's Close, then as we worked our way through a sushi supper on Hanover Street. We talked non-stop while we were out. I often find it astonishing that we have still so much to say to one another given that we have been together since we teenagers, and that we spend most of our waking hours in one another's company. Anyway, it was a lovely fun evening.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; aquafit class; swim (20 lengths); strength training class; walking (19,707 steps).

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