Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Another dire warning.

       Less pertinent now I suppose - BUT - IF you have any hard copies "Four Forks ACHE!" annotate them. 
       Despite being at this address about 37 years and admitting a chicken memory (It's. FOUL) I keep finding things I h ave no memory of ever seeing before; like these two.
        The top one is, beyond any shadow of doubt shot in the front garden/Rockery at 58 Outgang road Aspatria.  NOTHING written on the back; could it be a young Mam; who grew up into this?  If it is it'll have been taken in 1905 + whatever her age is.
       Not only have I a "fowl" memory I am hopeless at faces; whereby appends another tale. 
       The lower one, guessimetrically, is taken in the Church-yard - BUT - it's so long since I was there I can't be 100% sure exactly where.  It might be Grandad Joe's grave if so it was taken mid 1941.
       Another BUT is the woman Mam (Age about 36) or Mother (Unlikely she'd have been a guessimetric 70 then). 

Prevent this:-
1. Annotate any hard copy.
2. My oft repeated - "Ask us while we're here; don't WONDER after we've gone."

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