
By hpx

Chasing my tail

I'm pleased to say I haven't felt like I'm chasing my tail today.

But feeling like that is only a few moments of unwise decision making away so I've heeded all the warning signs (and your advice) and lain low today.

I slept 9 1/2 hours last night and immediately noted I didn't feel like I was fighting off bugs when I woke this morning.

I've had a couple of small walks and read. Ok I did have visits from S and Dr D. S did some house work for me, we had lunch and drunk coffee together. Dr D and I thought it wise to open the bottle of Baileys my sister Jennie gave me via young Will. One needs to check on quality control ;-)

I see in the mirror I look tired and pale and I'll have another early night. Importanly I feel like I'm getting my life back under control and taking care of myself.

The other good thing today is I've taken minimal pain relief. My body clearly approved of today's approach.

Glad you enjoyed yesterday's blip. It was kind of bizarre.

One other thing. If you saw my blip of the 007 letterbox, I noted on one of my walks to today it's located on (wait for it) Bond St! Very witty.

Here's to a good week ahead :-)

(PS This is a felted cat, a gift from a great couple from work. It hails from a flash gallery on Cuba St, Wellington and is very cool in the 'flesh/felt').

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