My day

By 59

Flower Friday

This tulip pops up each year, I like the little splash of yellow. In extras is the last of the hellebores. I have been dead heading them these last few days as they are so prolific I don’t need any more. 

Also in extras is my series of medical establishments around town, I needed to go there today to collect paperwork. I’m posting early as we have 1 cat, 2 dogs and 3 boys arriving soon to stay the night. I’m cooking a big pot of curried sausages for tea. 

This weekend there is a huge ARL Koori Knockout on in town. (Rugby League) They get so excited about it and have booked the town out. One chap said it is like the old days when they had tribal get togethers (corroboree). Koori is the Aboriginal people’s language for their “mob”. We will be staying well away. 

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