
By tridral

Mae'r wiwer ychydig yn rhwystredig

Mae'r wiwer ychydig yn rhwystredig .~ The squirrel is a little frustrated

“In order for me to write poetry that isn't political / I must listen to the birds / and in order to hear the birds / the warplanes must be silent.”
― Marwan Makhoul

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Rydym wedi prynu peiriant bwydo adar sy'n atal gwiwerod - ac mae'n gweithio. Rydyn ni'n bwydo dim ond adar nawr. Cymerodd dipyn o amser i'r adar dod i arfer ag ef, ond maen nhw'n hapus.

Mae'r peiriant bwydo yn defnyddio caeadau  a phan mae aderyn bach yn ei ddefnyddio maen nhw'n aros ar agor, rhywbeth trymach (gan gynnwys colomennod) - maen nhw'n cau. Clyfar iawn. Rydyn ni'n hapus gyda'r peiriant bwydo. Efallai y byddwn brynu un arall.
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We have bought a squirrel-proof bird-feeder - and it works. We only feed birds now. It took a while for the birds to get used to it, but they are happy.

The feeder uses shutters and when a small bird uses it they stay open, something heavier (including pigeons) - they close. Very clever. We are happy with the feeder. We might buy another one.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Gwiwer yn yr ardd
Description (English):  Squirrel in the garden
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