A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Battle scars

Tough morning for Jackson in the war zone. One of his mates is making a movie so 6 of them headed off to Chiswick House grounds for the filming. We await the premiere with baited breath.

Meanwhile in an opposite universe Anna was all tutu'd and bunned up for her ballet exam. It was quite a spectacle watching her hair being tamed into a net.

So with one kid off essentially playing war games and one arabesqueing her way around a dance floor Carl and I headed to a cafe for brunch and the reading of actual real-life, hold in your hand, turn the page papers.

Brief period of taxiing Anna to and from a party and awaiting the return from the film set before the afternoon seems to have passed by in a summer haze of yet more paper reading, Ashes listening and even a small snooze. I think it's important to warm up for a holiday to avoid sudden shocks and I think today ticked that box very nicely. And continues to do so as I sit typing this in the last square of sun hitting the lawn. After which we have an evening of Monty Python's Holy Grail to look forward to.

Must remember how to work tomorrow.

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