Posing nicely...
...thank you Bean.
The day has whizzed past and I have done about half the things I planned. It had been one of those days when I spent longer than expected on various tasks, and then got sidetracked before getting back "on list".
There's only one thing for it: carry jobs over to tomorrow...
The beans are all sown (not the furry four-leggedy kind, but scarlet runners, Muriel's Magic, black butterfly, white butterfly and Hawkesbury Wonder).
Potatoes (all pink fir apple) are in the ground.
The brassicas have been planted out into their raised bed (cabbages, cauliflowers, kohl rabi and broccoli).
I have added compost to all the planter boxes and troughs, ready to be planted with sweetpeas, snapdragons, sunflowers, borage, phacelia and other flowers.
I went up to the milking shed and collected a churn of milk.
Bean and I had a walk.
Phew. No wonder I staggered to a halt at 5.30. I'm pooped. Happily pooped.
Bean has been smiling in her sleep in the sunshine again supervising.
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