behind the scenes
I'm writing this on Sunday morning as I had a full day yesterday and didn't get to do a lot of stuff, including the Wordle :-(
I was working at the Friends of Loch Arthur coffee morning at The Usual Place,, always a lovely event with stalls selling Loch Arthur produce, woodwork and weaving, plus others with honey products and artworks. A great atmosphere, cakes and scones provided by TUP and everyone had a good time. As always, there are people who you never see and who help to make these events a success. One of these is the lovely Marjorie, who donned her green apron and for stuck into the dishes. Marjorie is on our Board of Directors, but is very hands-on and always has a smile and a friendly word for everyone. We love her!
I went to see Joe afterwards and then had a sauna and swam 20 lengths which was nice and relaxing.
Went home to see D very briefly - he had been at the opening of an art exhibition at Cample with Jess- and I phoned Mum and Dad - it was Dad's 92nd birthday and he is looking forward to a meal out with the family today (sadly, not with me).
Then off to pick up Pat and head to Moniaive to prepare for our last Galloway Sangstream concert. It was an AMAZING evening. I love singing with the Cairn Chorus and this big series of concerts with Emily Smith, Jamie McClennann, Hugh MacMillan, Wendy Stewart and other talented people has made my heart sing.
I went to bed so tired and with little voice left, and have had a lie-in this morning. Now for the Wordle!
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