
By edisteve

More autumnal colours

Here’s a Lothian bus, blipped from Cameron Toll shopping centre car park.

I was there this morning having an audiology test at Specsavers. Turns out I have tinnitus and hearing loss in my left ear, which means I am being referred to NHS Audiology for further tests. Luke, the audiologist did however say not to expect a prompt call, as the waiting lists are lengthy (quelle surprise).  The one thing that did surprise me is that the audiology test (which included sitting in a soundproof box and pushing a button when I heard different sounds) was covered under the NHS … so no charge. 

After that, it was off to the minor injuries unit at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to have my finger looked at. I had got some glass in it recently and the advice given by 111 did not do the trick. 

Anyway, after an hour long wait, the unit decided to triage everyone (there was a lot of us) and luckily I got taken quite quickly and got seen by Kayleigh, a charming nurse practitioner. Not much that can be done as it has heeled with tiny bits of glass still in it … so, I have to get some magnesium paste on it, which will hopefully, draw the tiny bits out. She was not unduly concerned about it and said my finger was not likely to drop off! 

Again, I say this, but we have a wonderful NHS, staffed by magnificent people and fingers crossed things will ease all round in future months and years.

Anyway, a day of health stuff, I beginning to feel like a hypochondriac, lol.

Have a good Monday, all. 

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