A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Applegarth Autumn

I normally photograph these trees from the path in the opposite direction as I did last Tuesday. Today I wanted to show the leaves on the ground. Unfortunately we are having a damp spell and they don't quite look at their best.

I have used the same image twice, the base being the original shot and the top layer having been processed in the Brushstroke app but reduced to 50%. I have brightened the colours somewhat. 

Today in the Men's Shed we had a good turnout for a craft day, some just popped in for a coffee and chat but that's all part of the charm of the place.

I managed to start a production line of stained glass Christmas tree decorations. Last year I did Christmas trees and the year before mistletoe. A new limited edition will be revealed on Thursday if I get to complete some. 

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