Lost in Thought

By steveng

Burning (TT489)

My blip is the business end of a gas powered soldering iron, one of the bigger 'bits' attached so you can see the burner section which heats the end (at the top) to around 350/400 degrees C. It burns butane (lighter fuel)
The glowing part is ~6mm across

Our host, Freespiral, descibes this weeks theme, fire,  as:  Signifying passion, assertiveness, sensuality, love, hate  but also wisdom and power, cleansing and purification. The main emotions I get from this are fear and caution - as picking up the wrong end of a soldering iron is something most engineers* only do once :-) It is too hot/painful to get a proper grip so the iron tends to be dropped onto the work where it inevitably causes more damage and usually to something which did not need repairing, but does now.

* I suspect artists or anyone else would do similar! 

Thanks to Freespiral for hosting
Wide Wednesday tomorrow and the theme is Modern or Recent

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