Capital adventures

By marchmont

Pumpkin patch

It was dark and damp when I headed to the pool at 6.40, and it didn't get any better. The pool was cold but quiet although I had to keep doing loops to avoid the slow swimmers. 

I worked in the front as it was lighter and watched the traffic mayhem outside. Long call with SSSC and then I ran out of things to do! However there were things to do for Apex, another couple of meetings in the diary but I also finished reading all the policies.

When I decided to take mum out for afternoon tea I thought it would be a bright autumn day. Instead I had to dodge the heavy drizzle as I got her in the car. It is hard work and I'm always exhausted afterwards, manhandling the wheelchair. We were out at Craigies and the food was very good, though far too much. Three boxes of leftovers came home with us. 

It was brighter over Fife and we sat at the same table as the one I had on my last visit. Craigie's is right next to the NW boundary of the airport and as flights were taking off east we had a good view of the departing planes as they disappeared into the clouds over the field full of Hallowe'en pumpkins, including the lumbering Qatar A350 heading to Doha. 10 weeks today and that will be me, except earlier. 

I bought loose currants on the way out before we battled through heavy rain and very slow moving traffic to get home, 7 miles in 30 mins before the bypass speeded up. Bumped into F and a very soggy Skylar when I got out the car and she confirmed their actual wedding is the 2nd. I told her about the earlier 'You and Yours' programme I'd listened to on the cost of weddings. F and E are going for a relaxed version. Very sensible.

A quiet interlude at home, I updated my accounts, before out into the elements again to walk to SCD with Y.. I was in a much better frame of mind tonight and enjoyed it. Even managed to do one of the more complicated dances. Home to wind down over the news and be grateful that, dreich though the day has been it was nothing like what Florida is anticipating with Hurricane Milton.

The news also covered the phenomenon known as STEVE which occurs during the Northern Lights. The aurora alert was up to red last night and I did get up just after 1 to look but it was too cloudy, but there were intriguing streaks of colour in the sky. Was it STEVE, or just light from human habitations reflected in the low cloud? See extra. 

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