
By HarryJ

There's always a gift shop

Even though I had 3 afternoon "appointments" at the hospital in preparation for the end of October, I suspected that 3 "appointments" could turn into a marathon so in the hopes of the stars aligning, I showed up early.
Just over 30 minutes early.
Coming into the first reception, I waited a whole 4 minutes before being called In for blood work. On my way to the next "appointment" 5 minutes later.
Out of habit, I took another number at the ECG check in desk before discovering that I was in fact, the next in line , "so come on up" they said..
It was a nice restful 4 minutes on my back as they attached quite a few sensors and did their "thing" It happened so quickly I barely had time to attempt a nap. before being shunted off to X Ray.
WTF? Nobody waiting at X-Ray? I'm next?
Yes, I was, so after stripping off and putting on one of those stupid gowns the wrong way round, I sat and waited to be called.
Around the 10 or 15 minute mark, I was starting to get just a little peeved that there was no-one rushing to help me. I was getting used to receiving star service.
But then there they were. 
It seemed like less than 10 minutes before I was strugglinig to untie the knots in one of those gowns and getting dressed.

All in all, 3 appointments, all taken in before appointment time, and in and out in less than an hour.

I just couldn't find anything to bitch about.

Ah well...

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