
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 74/76
Main activity: Wed - packing, Hurricane Milton, Michelle bday!
Notes: Woke 303a and ended up getting up. Did a bunch and then laid down from about 7-8a and rested a bit. Pretty much solid rain all day until mid afternoon when the hurricane started ramping up wind and heavy rain. Did laundry thru the day, boiled some eggs, kept everything charged up as much as possible. We're getting a near direct hit here and supposed to make landfall somewhere between 9p-12a. Only went outside once to take out the garbage and took some videos out the front door. Got much organized and packed - don't know if I'll be able to get a trailer and move tomorrow yet or not. Night had power flickers and the wind and rain just kept escalating! Headache set in for me - probably all the stress of moving and pressure changes of the big hurricane system. I kept power until I went to bed around 1030p - exhausted - and the sounds of wind and rain were unbelievable.  I was able to shut out the noise as much as poss and sleep somehow ... woke middle of the night, no power. When I found the time it was 333a. Was able to sleep a bit more!

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