
By KatesGardenPDX

The Days of Dahlias....

...are growing to a close! What a gorgeous fall we've had here. Next week looks like the rains will begin. So I may have to post as many dahlias as possible before then!

Busy day, went to see my naturopath - I haven't seen her in a couple of years due to various reasons. Super to be back. I'm trying to sell my golf cart, since I don't golf at the course that I live on anymore (it's private and getting expensive) so a guy came by to test drive. I think he'll probably go with something else, but it's fine. 

Then a Pilates session - she was brutal today. Sometimes I think she wakes up in the middle of the night to cook up new things for us to do. But honestly, she's the best teacher I've ever had.

Now, onto the jigsaw puzzle!

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