
By dreaming


Dialysis really wiped me out yesterday, so I didn't have much energy today.  I finished with my dark wash, did a load of dishes, and was really glad when Doug called to ask if there were anything I needed him to do.  I've started having Sylvie's cat litter delivered to their house because packages are no longer allowed to be delivered to my apartment door, and I'd just got notice that it had been delivered.  So he brought the cat litter and put it away for me and took away the boxes and the empty litter containers.  And then we just sat and talked for quite a while.

I needed to get new ink cartridges to get my printer to work and Doug had picked them up for me a few days ago.   But I'd bought the wrong ones, which we didn't discover until he opened the box and took the cartridges out.  I'd planned to go over to Office Depot to see about returning the cartridges, but couldn't work up the energy because I'm going through a severe depressive episode right now.  So Doug offered to take the cartridges back to Office Depot and see if they would take them back despite being opened.  Not only was he able to return them, he bought the right ones and came back and installed them for me.  He is such a blessing.

In the late afternoons, flocks of birds go soaring past my windows, but I never have much luck catching them with my camera,  But you can see some here if you look closely.

Back to dialysis tomorrow. 

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