
By BethAndCo

Lisa's Meet baby Daisy pot luck party

Eva has recently started waking up early doors, having a quick feed, then going back in her bed to sleep. This morning she woke at about 4 am and 5.30 am then slept til nearly 9 am then had another sleep around 10.30 am for another hour, but then she didn't really sleep for the rest of the day.

I cooked up a pasta in tomato sauce dish to take to Lisa's meet baby Daisy party today as everyone was bringing something, and off we set at around 1.30 pm to the secret garden by her mom's house, and arrived just as the bouncy castle arrived.

We set up a blanket and our camping chairs and made ourselves comfortable. It was so lovely to see everyone, including some old faces like Becky Walker, Garro, Emma and Jamie Whatmore, to name but a few, and its been so lovely to see more of Lisa while shes been over on this visit. We had a really lovely time catching up with everyone and just being out as a family all together.

Getting home wasn't so great as we couldn't start the blummin' car. We tried loads of times, but in the end, Liza saved the day, bless her, and came and fetched me, Eva and Jake, while Mike stayed waiting for the AA man. He ended up cancelling him though as he eventually got it started and drove home. It's doing it more and more lately, which is not what we need.

Eva hadn't fed or slept much at all today, so she was so tired and hungry when we got back. I gave her her bath as Mike was out with the car, gave her a big long feed lasting nearly an hour including winding, and she was spark out in her bed, after lots of cuddles with Mommy, by just after 8 pm.

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