Big Hill

By bighill

Cabot Shores.

Friends of ours own and operate an amazing wilderness type retreat centre, about 30 minutes from us....Cabot Shores and today they hosted a reading of a book about Tibetan Buddhist master, Chogyan Trungpa Rinpoche. This place is awesome, set on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean with vistas that are stunning.

Diamond Highway by Tony Cape is going to be a fascinating read i believe...written by someone who lived along side this larger than life Buddhist master, and sees the man for who he was. Lots of controversial stories are out there about Trungpa.....who is credited with bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. Just an aside, he first lived in Scotland, not sure exactly where....but that's were he started his first meditation centre. He then moved to the States, and founded a few meditation centres there, and finally he choose the site of Gampo Abbey, here on Cape Breton Island, as his final monastic centre. There are many here who have studied his work, i haven't yet read any of his books, but i think it's time i began.

After the reading and some discussions, we were treated to a lovely reception and some social time with others. i then took a walk around the property, but we didn't have too much time so i only got a few shots.

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