Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Our dear cat Hunter.

The Feast Day of Saint Francis Borgia. He died in 1572

World Mental Health Day. If you are called to, take a look at They are showcasing a calendar from The Little Push 4 Good, a York based mental health charity.

The Feast Day of Saint Paulinus An English Bishop. He was sent to England by Pope Gregory the Great in 601. After working for the Church in Kent, he was ordained Bishop and was sent to Northumbria to the Christian Princess Ethelburga, to be her chaplain. He did not receive the pallium as Archbishop of York because Northumbria was overrun by pagans in 633 and St Paulinius returned to Kent and served as Bishop of Rochester. He died on this day in 644.

Prayers for all effected by the Hurricane Milton.

Here, in Rishton, Hunter returned home, thank goodness, after a cold night, by his choice, in the garden

The temperature was 16.6c this morning without the heating on. It was much colder outside.

It is sunny and very cold outdoor, but for October, merciful. No frost.

I will continue with my housework and praying for peace and listen to online Holy Mass..

Thank you for visiting my site.

It will be 2c by 11pm so I hope both cats return home overnight or find somewhere safe and warm outdoors.

Enjoy a lovely day blip friends..

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