On my way to the post office
I stayed in all morning for the roofing people
and they duly arrived. They’re very good and always reliable. They explained the plan for fixing my two leaks - which come not from the roof itself, but from a line of coping stones which aren’t coping at present. Thank goodness I have the money my mum left me.
I seem to know quite a few people with October birthdays - Libras make really good friends I find. I did a little pile of cards, allowing at least a week for them to get there - and walked down to the post office. Was surprised to find that a 1st class stamp is now £1.65. I don’t know how they’ve got the brass neck. I suppose it’s to make the billionaire owner just that bit richer. I wonder if they ever have enough.
On the way there I saw these nasturtiums tumbling down a wall. With a bee on - but of course it moved on while I was finding my phone - very cheering I think
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