
By flavia13


A busy morning.  We had to take the car down to the garage for a check-up and new battery etc.  We got stuck in some traffic so by the time we got back it was too late for me to have my QiGong session - aaargghhh!!!  

The car has now had it's check up and all OK, the underneath is rather rusty apparently, but then it is an old car and everything else is good.

The cold that's been threatening me for a while is now beginning to materialise, just at the shivers and slight sore throat stage, which means it will probably be at it's worse the day we go on holiday!!!!  Funnily enough I kind of knew this would happen somehow.  Aah well worse things happen and it's not too far to go, so hubby will have to drive.  As we are away for a whole week we may get a couple of good days out of it, and it just means I will  have to go back some time - so that would be good.

Other than that nothing else to say today.  Do take care, stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

PS:  Just added a couple of the photos I took of Aurora last night, right at my front door, well the pathway anyway.  Not brilliant but at least I saw them.

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