Oh Dear…
… Here we have incinerated red peppers. They’ve been in the oven for a while ok, two days. I made the soup which worked quite well without them. And, yes I’m ashamed. Our oven vents to outside, so you don’t get the smell of burning in the kitchen. (Though I’m surprised next door haven’t alerted me of a fire!). These are just charcoal now, if I breathed on them they would happily float away into the ether. In my defence I was busy and then I was tired!
Wouldn’t it gave been nice to have given you Northern Lights?
Anyway, tonight’s dinner is in the oven (which I have obviously opened!) and it’s not chips but a comforting potato/gruyere/onion/cream extravagance.
Sometimes a treat even beyond chips is required.
The wine forecast is… coming true as I type.
Happy Friday one and all :-)
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