Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Time To Leave Denali

Doesn't that look like a painting?  My diggs for two nights in Alaska.

Yesterday, we had an eight hour tour of Denali National Park.  The wildlife wasn't close enough to me to get sharp  shots without cropping but I did see Dall sheep, caribou, moose and a brown bear.

If disappointed somewhat on the wildlife photos (I did get a great moose), the scenery was spectacular.  Unfortunately, it was a very overcast day and Denali (Mt. McKinley, at over 20,000' the tallest peak in N. America) wasn't visible.  I was told it is visible only 30% of the time.

Today we head for Fairbanks, which is a city only 200 miles south of the arctic circle.  We'll have an afternoon of exploring the city and lunch on our own.  Then a sternwheeler riverboat cruise.  On the cruise I'll meet David Monson, the husband of the late four time Iditarod Champion, Susan Butcher.

The Fairbanks Westmark Hotel lost our reservations so we ended up at a luxury suite resort.   Totally sweet!

I got bit by a spider the first night at the McKinley Chalet Resort. They took me to Urgent Care where the doctor gave me Benedryl. The resort moved me to a new room for me the second night after I spider freaked.  :-)  

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