
By WhiskyFoxtrot

What You Give Is What You Get

It's not important for you to know my name
Nor I to know yours
If we communicate for two minutes only
It will be enough

For knowing that someone in this world
Feels as desperate as me
And what you give is what you get

It doesn't matter if we never meet again
What we have said will always remain
If we get through for two minutes only
It will be a start

~ Paul Weller

Thanks to everyone who commented on my identity blip. I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation and it gave me a lot to think about.

I've always felt lucky to feel at home in all sorts of places. I have a habit of talking to strangers which means I'm rarely alone if I don't want to be.

On Sunday night I went to see Paul Weller perform at the Castle. I have been in love with Paul since I was 15. While he was on stage I was completely at home with thousands of strangers who share a common passion.

It was a good night. :)

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