The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Gamer Boy

Small boy had been sent home early from nursery the previous day with nothing serious, and with his mother having duties to attend to, Grandad was whistled up to entertain the wee one. And after a couple of hours of indoor fun we headed out to Starbank Park. Maybe not the best plan as he really doesn’t like his coat. And when he gets tired and hungry he gets really really quite inconsolable. For inconsolable, read extremely cross. 
I had to dive away awhile to attend to boatyard tasks, so I returned him to his mother whereupon I gather he fell asleep prontissimo. The Grandad Trauma.
But then I was back to pick up minky from nursery at 1pm and stroll homewards with her.
Later, home to fill in my insurance claim for the hire car, and then we headed off to Oregon awhile. The hordes have been cleared out the northern regions; now it’s back over the mountains where we face some serious challenges. If only we could find a few more growlers we could make a decent number of napalm molotovs, but they’re thin on the ground. I’ll keep you posted.

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