The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Supper Club Pres

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

Tonight’s plan was one I was very much looking forward to as it was a supper club night out.

We had booked a local Indian restaurant and Charlie’s husband, Mish, had offered to make us cocktails at their house before we headed to the restaurant. There was a slight concern that he was trying to inveigle himself into Supper Club but we let it go as it was only going to be for an hour. And he was going to provide booze.

But apparently he became slightly too focussed about the different kind of cocktails he was going to make. Charlie decided that he was over-complicating the situation and by 11:30 am, she had sacked him and bought a bottle of pre-mixed margarita!

When I arrived, Mish was standing outside their house with their kids having been told to make himself scarce. His partial pass was immediately revoked upon his dismissal. It’s a harsh world!


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