Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Searching for the rainbow ...

This photo just about sums up today weather-wise, except that it doesn't show the battering showers of hailstones that kept happening right up till mid-afternoon. A chilly wind, too - really quite testing. 

I'm afraid another treatment for the eye infection bites the dust - I knew from the moment I woke this morning that all was not well again, and spent the day looking like that scarey ad the Tories put out before Tony Blair was elected - New Labour, New Danger - with the red eyes gleaming behind a black mask. I reckon the drops are yet another thing I can't tolerate; I spent the day waiting for some advice after the following chain: Phone the hospital switchboard, explain plight. Told no-one in the Eye department, switched through to NHS 24 number. List of options; choose the advice on medicine one, get through after about 6 iterations of dire holding music. Nice man comes on, takes down the whole story, says he's going to find a charge nurse for me. Checks back several times before he succeeds - making sure I've not collapsed or something. I eat my cereal, drink some tea. Eventually nice man returns, says a doctor will phone me, but he doesn't know when. Hangs up. 

Thereafter I tidy up breakfast, feel miserable, do Italian, feel miserable, drink coffee, feel marginally better, check up on #1 son's progress on the Crystal Palace Marathon March ( a great charity event), eat lunch, fall asleep. Wake up again and think fresh air might help. See above scene while fetching jacket. (Like juxtaposition of the ferries and the rainbow). Drive to Toward, to Ardyne - and walk, in the teeth of a gale, up the hill to the farms and back down again. The rain stops, the sun makes an appearance. 

No sooner home than phone rings - a local doctor asking me to go to A&E to ask about discontinuing the eye drops. Out again, up the road to the local hospital. Sit for about 45 minutes, then see nurse (BP insane) and finally the on-duty doctor. We have met before. And he lets me off using the drops.

So back to square one, really. Let's hope it mends. You will all be bored to death otherwise. 

On a much brighter note: #1 son, new hip and all, finished his marathon and apparently has almost attained his fundraising goal. Well done him!

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