A day of Quakering
Lazy morning, then went to a get-together of Quakers from all over the North of England - some quiet spiritual reflection, of course, but lots of fun and fellowship too - played various :"break the ice" style games and had some lovely chats with "Friends" from Middlesbrough, Northumberland, Leyburn, Penrith, etc... All so kind, gentle, yet many with strong opinions. There's no "leadership" as such - obviously some people had organised the day and "facilitated" it, but it was "shall we do this?" or "we thought it might be fun to..." - and things were changed through feedback - eg when it was announced lunch was due at 1.30pm, a few people spoke up and asked for it earlier - so we had it at 12.30 instead (which I was glad of, having not had any breakfast!!).
I enjoyed having the opportunity to walk around the building, discovered new rooms including the wonderful library (see extra, 100s more like this...) and pictures (blip is one of George Fox), etc.
This year is / would have been "founder" George Fox's 400th birthday - so we shared a fantastic birthday cake, and sang his song (extra). Apparently his revelation that we all have an "inner light" which can guide us (God / Holy Spirit in Christian-speak I guess?) came to him in 1647!
Chilled when I got in, apart from a bit of work collating the wines sold this week and liaising with the reps at the Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) and one of our suppliers... They've done really well, £21K sold so far, equalling last year's total with a day to go... Might go in to the unit and pack some boxes tomorrow to ease the burden on Monday - though as I got 32 boxes out on Thursday and Friday it shouldn't be too horrendous anyway...
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