
By Aliscotia

Rob's retina....

Yesterday, after the session at the  Lit Fest  Ann and I went to meet Rob after his optician appointment. Rob developed floaters in the eye about 5 days ago. On a phone call the optician had said not to worry as it was probably the virteous layer of the eye breaking down as it lifted away from the retina. We know this happens to everyone at some point in their 50s or 60s so, although it was irritating Rob, we were trying to be relaxed. However there were a lot of floaters so when a cancellation at the optician came up Rob took it on Saturday just to make sure all was OK. When Ann and I rocked up to meet Rob he told us that the optician had discovered a retinal tear and decided emergency laser surgery was required as Rob only sees properly out of one eye and the tear could result in a retinal detachment. What a shock we all got! Luckily the Opthamology Department at Cheltenham General managed to fit Rob in at 4.30pm and so after special drops to dilate his pupils, more scans and checks, the laser surgery took place at about 6pm. The tear was in a very awkward place so possibly another procedure will be required this week but the surgeon felt that the repair that had taken place would mean a retinal detachment would be very unlikely. 
We are so grateful to the optician, to the opthalmic surgeon and also to Ann for ferrying us around and supporting us while we waited. Thank goodness for modern medicine and the NHS. 
Today Rob is feeling fine, but is taking it easy as instructed. 

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