From the baggage in the hallway I could deduce that A had got back OK during the night, but I kept quiet so she could sleep. In the event, she was soon down for breakfast, so maybe Kermit had woken her. Today's been one of relaxation after the busy week, and catching up on a diary that was four weeks out of date. Thankfully I have my Blipfoto entries to work from!
Eventually I went out for groceries and, when looking for things we might need in order to make the most of the 10% Tesco "Big shop" discount, I spotted dimmable LED candle bulbs. Only two of the eight halogens were working in the living room previously, so it's a lot brighter now. Although it serves as A's "office", it's a shame we don't make more use of it, as it's the only "grand" room we have in our house. The rest of our rooms have lower ceilings or, in the case of my office and man cave, little to no headroom because they are under the pitched roof!
With Django still on holiday, I've not been out - other than to do the shopping - so this is the best I can do for a photo!
Who can spot "SparseRunner" on display?
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