
By Indy653

Fabrique de Lumieres Immersive Art Show

I’d been to a similar show in Edinburgh on Van Gogh but this one was larger and covered more artists.  It was amazing, with the music perfectly complementing the art.  Jones and Amelie lay on the floor looking up at the work displayed on a glass ceiling.  The effect was magical!  Otis ran around madly from space to space and was eventually whisked off for his nap by Jode. The rest of us had lunch in nearby cafe before Amelie and I headed off to see some of the original paintings at the Rijksmuseum.  Before we started Amelie had hot chocolate and I had a cocktail with ‘tulip’ in the title.  Then Uber back for meal with the family.  Jones had been for a 90 minute swimming lesson.  The Dutch take teaching young people to swim very seriously - something a bit lost where I live as the cost of hiring buses is prohibitive.  Although only 6 years Jones has been taken to many art galleries by his school where entrance is free to under 18 year olds.  There are also strict rules about food at Jones’ school - only fruit for snack and nothing sweet or unhealthy in packed lunch.  Otis devoured half a raw red pepper while Jody was cooking tea and Jones also had a little bowl of it when he returned in high spirits from his mammoth swim.

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