
By isbi

MonoMonday: Magnification

What is being magnified here is the situation.
We tried to ring Wally several times this morning to no answer so thought we'd better go up to Blackheath and check on him. Just as well. The house was locked but when I walked down the verandah he heard me and cried out. I managed to find an unlocked window to climb though and found he had had a fall in the shower several hours earlier. He was jammed in and couldn't move and we couldn't get him out so had to ring for help. 
First the paramedics arrived but they couldn't get the shower door off so they rang Fire and Rescue. By the end of the saga we had 1 ambulance, 2 police cars, 1 police rescue truck and 2 fire engines (as seen in isbiJG's extra) and a total of 14 personnel (not counting us). Rather embarrassingly, someone finally managed to just lift the shower doors off, rather like I do to clean my windows.
I don't mean Wally's situation was magnified. It is not as bad as his last fall but he is back in hospital and we are a bit concerned about him. But it did seem a bit of overkill to remove a shower door! However it does make you grateful how much help is readily, cheerfully and freely available in an emergency.
A longer bow than usual for sk's challenge today.

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