Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

American Robin - Turdus migratorius

I can't believe I've yet to blip a robin this year!  Lucky for me, this handsome male was posing on the cherry tree, right at eye level and in perfect light.  Although their common name is robin, they are actually in the thrush family unlike the European robins.  They are largish birds who, in spite of their latin name, really don't migrate so much as they just move around in search of food.  People in cold climates like mine mistakenly think robins all leave in the winter while they actually head into the woods where they find plenty of berries in addition to little bugs hiding in leaf litter on the forest floor.  And that concludes today's science lesson.

I had a really enjoyable "mindfulness/yoga" class this morning.  A lot of focus on breath work which is always helpful along with gentle stretching and core work.  A nice way to start the week.

After that, I dove into the Blitzhund WDC photos from Saturday.  I have now gotten the number down to around 500 and am still cutting.  My goal is to get it to about 300 images total which means each competitor will have roughly 50 images of their dog.  Lots of tedious work at this point, but I am still enjoying it.  And I'm already thinking about things I would want to do differently if I'm asked to do this again, which I hope to be.  

Hubs and I are watching a series called "Bloodline" right now which is basically a nighttime soap opera as best as I can tell.  Nothing particularly useful but it's entertaining and the acting is decent. 

Shrimp for dinner tonight...


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