Day Of The Diva

By Katherineellis

A letter from 1989

In the late 80s Tom Robinson was at a gig I did with my band, I approached him and asked him if I could send him our demo which I did, to my amazement he wrote back! Living in Brighton before anybody had mobile phones or even answer phones I really did feel completely cut off and getting this letter was a real lifeline and meant a huge amount at the time.
A few years ago, I was lucky enough to meet Tom backstage at BBC introducing at Glastonbury and I told him about the letter and what it meant to me and I actually got quite tearful, he was very, very kind and apart from being surprised wished he could see it. I’m having a massive clear out and I’ve just come across the letter in a box of letters in the back of a cupboard! Thankyou @freshonthenet

Today I took my mother’s costume jewellery to the charity shop, I kept a few little bits.
Also lots of old books. I’ve free cycled Christmas decorations, writing paper and a big box of old crockery and tins, et cetera.

Max and Zebedee carried some more furniture downstairs and I’ve begun organise my new office.

I had coffee with my lovely neighbour Kate Parsons.

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