
By Winsford

Up and at 'em

An early(ish) start to join two of my fellow Dell Dippers for an early morning swim. Our What's App group is called the Dawn Dippers, although the sun is usually up by the time we swim.  However it was dark and chilly when I got up. T helpfully observed that "at least it will be warmer in the water that out and he was right - the water temp was a bracing invigorating 9.5 degrees C.  I thoroughly enjoyed the swim, company and walk there and back. A good start to the day. 

The rest of the day will be divided between garden tidying and working on my assessment.  I had my first look at it last night and it looks relatively straightforward. 

Shnàmh mi a; mhaidainn seo. Bha i fuar ach cha robh i ro dhona. Chòrd e rium. Tha mi an dòchas gun snàmh mi a-maireach a-rithist. Nì mi yoga Diciadain cuideachd.

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