The Pirates of Penzance

I wish ................

First day back at work, over and survived.

Only one demise in the garden whilst we were away - quite a large Vibernum Tinus "Eve Price" in a pot, which did seem to be ailing a bit before we left for Cornwall, so didn't have much of a chance really. The neighbours have done a great job of watering and said "why did you have to pick those two weeks to go away?" ha, ha, but its pay-back time in August when they go away and I have to look after those tropical fish in a posh tank thing again ...... only a certain amount of flakes twice a day, please ..... getting worried already!!

Thank you so much all of you for your lovely, lovely comments yesterday, and getting on the spotlight for the very first time made the homecoming after such a great holiday just that little more bearable!!

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