
By HighPike


A glacial erratic on the top of Orton Fell. It's granite I think which is much older than the limestone on which it sits. It was probably brought here by glaciers and dumped as they retreated. The sheep use it to scratch themselves.

There are quite a few others dotted around, none of them huge, this is about the largest but quite distinctive with pink feldspar. I'm always cautious about colour as I'm a bit colour blind, but it looked pink in the late afternoon sun. Could be Shap granite which is about 4 miles away.

Heat and humidity has been excessive today. I was in Manchester working in a school that was a built in the 1900s. Needless to say there was little air. I used to say that carpets and double glazing were some of the best innovations to school buildings. Air conditioning would be the next!

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