The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

What Rules?

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

I’m still on Wolverine/Gladiator duty.

Wolverine absolutely loves dogs and was telling me how much he wishes he had one.

Unfortunately Gladiator is very allergic to cats and dogs so it’s very unlikely to happen. I said that he could maybe think about it when he’s an adult.

“I’m DEFINITELY going to get a dog,” he stated, “Unless I’m homeless.”

Which took me a little by surprise.

“Hopefully that won’t happen,” I reassured him, “and some homeless people have dogs.”

“Yeah - it’s such a shame for those dogs,” he commiserated.

“And the people,” I felt obliged to point out!

After a walk with Murphy and hot chocolates on the beach, we had a very pleasant evening watching Deadpool 2 with Pringles and Haribos. It’s so easy hanging with kids when you’re not their parent and the rules are flexible!


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